Sunday, 5 September 2010

Google Management VS Everyone Else

Google Management VS Everyone Else

Google Complex

In Google, employees have the ability to work free without any restrictions and constant supervision but they should provide the company with positive results of their work.

Google lavish employee perks, which include top chefs in the restaurant and free massages for stressed-out engineers.

In Google, employees do not need to follow a strict dress code or some rigid rule. Ofcaurse, this style does not mean that Google does not care about the effectiveness of work of its employees or about results of the work.

Gary Hamel in his book ' The Future of Management ", posts that more and more companies would adopt the Google’s management system .
In contrast, there are companies like Intel, using cubes where people working, without parks and restaurants, with strict dress code and more supervision.

I am in the middle line position. 

On the one hand, freedom is good because stimulates innovation but...

....on the other hand no supervision at all or at least little supervision may lead to unpleasant results, especially with employees that they are not very self-organized and self-disciplined.


10 Good Time Management Ideas

10 Good Time Management Ideas

Some ideas should definitely be applied to our life, but eventually they don’t.

1. Pareto principle
The Pareto principle states that, for many events, roughly 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes. So, you must recognize that just 20 percent of your working time probably contributes around 80 percent of what is necessary for success in your job, and you must reflect this in the way you operate so that attention is focused on those key issues.

2. Prioritize your objectives
First you should do things that are urgent and important and last do things that are neither urgent nor important. But in all cases you should schedule everything. Use effectively your time and spend more time for things that matter.

3. Avoid cherry picking
Don’t provide excuses to delay or avoid unfamiliar things. Rank your tasks, specify the most important and continue that way. If you don’t like or you are not good at something then don’t postpone it.

4. Set clear objectives
Either you manage a team or yourself it is very important to set clear objectives. In that way you will save time because you will eliminate misunderstanding and confusions.

5. Motivation
Motivate others or yourself is a very important aspect of time management. You should try to motivate yourself. To inspire yourself. In that way we become more passionate, more enthusiastic and more productive.

6. Enforce rules to yourself
A good idea that we forget to implement, is to give some time rules for our tasks. If we did that then certainly we would have saved a lot of time.

7. Multitasking vs One thing at a time
Try to do many simple some kind of things at the same time, like reading while listening to the radio. But do one thing at time if this is something important. Just remember that when we do things one at a time then we are more concentrated to these and we do better job. So, be careful when you should act multitasking or not.

8. Consider the unexpected
When you make plans and organize your time a good tactic is to plan have in your mind that things cannot always be expected to go exactly according to plan. Take that into consideration on behalf and you will save some time.

9. Technology is a friend
Consider any possible case that advantages in technology can help you to be more effective. From fast internet connection to adding bookmarks on your browsers.

10. Do it now, Not tomorrow
If it has to be done until the next few days and you have time today then do it now. Don’t postpone things for another day. Time is precious so try to take advantage every second.

As I say,

Be Organized, Be Effective, Be Productive

Applied Ideas Copyright © 2010
George Pligor - Stergios